Do you find yourself singing in the shower, singing along to familiar tunes on the radio or belting out the lyrics of oldies while gathered around a piano with friends?
If this sounds like you, then come join us! Like you, we just love to sing.
Aiken Singers sings mostly in 4-part harmony, so a sense of pitch, an ear for harmony, and some music reading ability is a plus… but we don’t turn away anyone who has a love of singing! We aim to create a polished performance, but the most important thing is for all to experience enjoyment and growth through singing together. Josh keeps practices light-hearted while still pushing the singers to improve and find their best voices. You are welcome to join us within the first month of rehearsals for a season. Come try us out for 2 practices before you must commit. Membership is currently $60 per fall or winter season.

Weekly rehearsals are held on Tuesday evenings, from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm, in the sanctuary of Hillview Baptist Church (located on US Hwy 1/278, 1974 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Graniteville, SC). If interested in learning more, email Josh at Director@aikensingers.org.